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Tandem Shaml alumni Mudar Elhaggi in Brussels

Tandem Alumni Mohab Saber on Expanding Collaborations

Tandem Shaml alumni Mohab Saber recently went to Brussels with the support of a Tandem Mobility Grant. He shares insights...
Vika Eksta

Dust and Gold

Tandem Shaml participants Ieva Raudsepa (International Summer School of Photography, Riga) and Sarah Bahgat (Townhouse Gallery, Cairo) have worked on...
Junaid and Lola "Tandemians 4evah" Photo by Vladislav Andrejević

SOKAK: a project on diversity and curiosity

Throughout their Tandem Shaml collaboration, Junaid Sarieddeen (Zoukak Theatre Company & Cultural Association, Beirut) and Lola Joksimović (Center for Cultural...
Young Citizen Journalists Report on Mediterranean Climate Change.

Young Citizen Journalists Report on Mediterranean Climate Change.

  • Ines Touir association for development and alternative medias (ADAM)
  • Catherine Sabry Bokra Sawa
Shores - Stories from Across the Sea

Shores - Stories from Across the Sea

  • Flore Thoreau La Salle Africa e Mediterraneo
  • Asma Kaouech Fanni Raghman Anni
Future Heritage

Future Heritage

  • Jasmin Grimm Public Art Lab
  • Sally Abu Bakr Ramallah Municipality
THE FLOOD: Gilgamesh and the quest of immortality

THE FLOOD: Gilgamesh and the quest of immortality

  • Lola Dobrila Joksimovic Center for Cultural Decontamination
  • Junaid Sarieddeen Zoukak Theatre Company and Cultural Association
OXALA [Co-Design Spaces for Urban Interventions]

OXALA [Co-Design Spaces for Urban Interventions]

  • Pedro Fonseca Pé de Pano – Cultural Projects
  • Abdel Rahman Alzubaidi Me’maryoon for Development

Alternative Storytelling

  • Ieva Raudsepa International Summer School of Photography (ISSP)
  • Sarah Bahgat Townhouse Gallery

Intercultural theatre training and collaborative production project

  • Tom Finlay Terra Nova Productions
  • AbdelSamee Abdallah Sailors For Arts
Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

VÄRLDENS I/II1/2 الدنيا

  • Tiago Prata TILLT AB
  • Reem Kassem AGORA for Arts and Culture
SAWP- “Culture Walks”

SAWP- “Culture Walks”

  • Farah Makki Urbego vzw
  • Mohab Saber ElMadina for Performing and Digital Arts