İŞ-PORTA is a participative project based on a mobile/modular vehicle which functions as a tool for exhibition purposes and allows interactions within the local community. The mobile exhibition showed the products and production processes of local craftsmen departing from an on-site research, found objects and archive material. During the tour around the city, the content of the exhibition was enriched by the active participation of the public. The İŞ-PORTA project was on the road in Sinop and Berlin-Wedding, it was documented by a “making of” video and a printed publication.
project website
  1. Community development
  2. Heritage & Memory
  3. Germany
  4. Sinop
  5. Community arts
  6. Crafts
  7. Audiovisual documentation
  8. Research
  9. Exhibition
  10. Film
  11. Publication

Can Sungu

bi’bak e.V

Berlin, Germany

bi’bak* („Have a Look!“ in Turkish) bi’bak is a non-profit association for contemporary art and community-based projects that runs an independent project space in Berlin-Wedding. bi’bak engages with a variety of sociopolitical issues such as migration, discourses on mobility, the construction of identities, labor questions, and cultural memory.


The connection

"İŞ-PORTA": a connection between Berlin (Germany) & Sinop (Turkey)