Middle Town: Picturing the Unspectacular

The project is an exchange between «emerging photographers» from Turkey and Latvia that will also include young photographers from Europe and/or the region around Turkey. Two workshops - first in Tra bzon/Tu rkey in March 2012, the second in August 2012 in Kuldiga/Latvia - will be run by two experienced tutors - a photographer and an editor. This alternative education project will enable participating young photographers to develop individual projects on a given subject and jointly promote their work in an international environment. The resulting works will be presented in form of a joint multimedia presentation, a photography exhibition and, possibly, a publication.
  1. Diversity
  2. Identity
  3. Urban development
  4. İstanbul
  5. Riga
  6. Photography
  7. Artist in Residence
  8. Story-telling
  9. Publication

Fahri Gümüştekin

Trabzon Foto Forum

Trabzon, Turkey


ISSP Summer School of Photography

Riga, Latvia


Geniş Açı

İstanbul, Turkey

The connection

"Middle Town: Picturing the Unspectacular": a connection between Trabzon (Turkey) & Riga (Latvia) & İstanbul (Turkey)