Art Real || Shifting Narratives Through Arts

Rasha Shaaban (National Museum of World Culture, Göteborg) and Sanaz Amidi (Rosetta Arts Centre, London) have joined the latest edition of Tandem Europe. They will work on Mind the Gap to exchange learning, build intercultural dialogue bridges and enhance the well-being of minorities through using innovative community arts methods such as digital storytelling, mindfulness and visual arts. Rasha has invited Sanaz to Gothenburg last November to take part in the Talk Real show series.

Art Real || Rebuild Refuge Europe

Talk Real presents ‘Talk Real – Art Real’, a series of episodes about artistic projects and social practices from grassroots movements that aim to counteract the dominant discourses of crisis and threat in the so-called “refugee crisis”.

In the third episode of the series, Talk Real travels to Gothenburg in the context of the Illegal Festival organised by the Museum of World Culture to discuss the role of artistic institutions in opening spaces to change ideas about migration. The show took place during the Illegal Festival organised by No One Is Illegal Movement in Sweden.

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Talk Real
Talk Real

You can watch all the videos from the Talk Real series on the Talk Real YouTube channel.