Tandem C&P 2013-14, Antwerp. Tandem C&P 2013-14 Tandem Community & Participation started as a pilot programme in 2013, supporting 10 cultural organisations to develop a tailor-made skill-set to deal with the challenges in their rapidly changing context and connect to European communities of practice. The intensive one-year programme included work placements, a collaborative pilot project, peer-to-peer workshops, expert impulses, study visits and networking. The 4 Tandems from the first edition represented a diverse group of cultural participation projects: from a youth theatre exchange to community engagement through sharing local heritage stories, and from new participatory techniques in pop culture to reinventing traditional village festivities. Interim Meeting in Antwerp, Belgium in April 2014 Meeting in Antwerp, Belgium: Sharing placement experiences, sharing expectations and digging into the resources for a successful meeting, case clinics, and borger-hood safari. Get some impressions and have a look at the picture gallery at flickr. Tandem C&P Group meeting in Antwerp Tandem C&P Group meeting in Antwerp Panel Discussion in Utrecht, Netherlands Four participants met on stage and shared their experiences and learnings with the audience. They gave insight in the main themes and methodologies we use in the programme: from discussions on ideological positioning to discovering attitudes toward change and innovation and developing intercultural and interdisciplinary skills to cope with organisational change and activate community engagement. Why is an exchange programme like Tandem important? What did you learn from participating in Tandem? How has Tandem affected your practice? Which advice would you give to future Tandem participants? These and other questions were addressed to the Tandem Community and Participation group during an open discussion in Utrecht. The event took place in the fringe of the International Perspectives on Participation and Engagement in the Arts conference (IPPEA) organised by Arts Council England, Leeds Metropolitan University and the Dutch LKCA. In his closing remarks for the Tandem panel discussion at IPPEA, Franco Bianchini (Professor of Cultural Policy, Leeds Metropolitan University), placed Tandem in the current European political and socio-economic context. His analysis led Prof. Bianchini to conclude that the programme’s relevance lies is the support and development of an active community of cultural change makers across Europe. Show & Tell in Berlin More than 40 participants from two Tandem programmes, Turkey–EU and Community & Participation, presented their collaboration work: from cultural heritage to digital media and from youth theatre to community arts in Berlin in September 2014. Have a look at the flickr picture gallery of the final event in Berlin. Show & Tell, Berlin 2014 Presentation of collaborations at betahaus.