Submit a story Do you want to share your Tandem experience with our website readers? You can submit your story using the form below. Submit a story 1 About you2 Your story Via token?This field serves to verify that the form is accessed via a token link. It is necessary for conditional logic but will be hidden with CSS. Form submitted via programme round token Is this you?Can't find your own name in this list? Hit the 'Back' button in your browser to check if you've selected your own collaboration.First ChoiceName First Last Email*We will only use this e-mail if we have questions regarding your submission. Enter Email Confirm Email Please tell us a little more about yourself*What's your relation to Tandem?I am currently participating in a Tandem ProgrammeI have participated in a Tandem ProgrammeI am connected to Tandem in a different way / Please explain in detail at the end of the formIn which programme are (or were) you participating?Tandem C&P 2013-14Tandem 360° 2020-21Tandem 360° 2021-22Tandem Al-Emarat 2018-19Tandem Amwaj 2023-24Tandem C&P 2013-14Tandem C&P 2014-15Tandem C&P 2016-17Tandem Cultural Capitals 2019Tandem Europe 2015-17Tandem Europe 2017-18Tandem Europe 2019-20Tandem Fryslân 2017-19Tandem Moldova 2011-12Tandem RegionsTandem Shaml 2012-13Tandem Shaml 2014-15Tandem Shaml 2015-16Tandem Shaml 2016-17Tandem Shaml 2018-19Tandem Turkey 2011-12Tandem Turkey 2013-14Tandem Turkey 2015-16Tandem Turkey 2016-17Tandem Turkey 2018-19Tandem Ukraine 2011-12Tandem Ukraine 2014-15Tandem Ukraine 2016-17Tandem Ukraine 2019-20Tandem Western Balkans 2019-20 Will you be writing in another language than English?If you feel more comfortable sharing your thoughts or experiences in your own words, this is absolutely fine. We would just ask you to add a couple of lines in English as a summary or introduction. Check this box if you would like to share your story in another language. Yes, I prefer to share my story in my own language What kind of story would you like to share?We gather different types of stories for the website, from photo essays to interviews or conversations. If you're not sure where your story fits, don't worry and leave the field as it is.Calls from the Tandem WorldConversationEssayPhoto StoryProject UpdateVideoSuggestion for story title* Select a topic Academic segregation Active Citizenship Architectural Heritage Built Heritage Civic rights Civic rights & Activisim Civic rights & Activism Community development Conflict resolution Creative economy Cross-Sector Cross-sector collaboration Cultural Artistic development cultural exchange Democracy Democracy & Open society Discrimination Diversity Education Education (formal & non-formal) Education (fromal & non-formal) Elderly cititzens Employability Empowerment Environment European Capital of Culture Feminism Freedom of expression Gender & Sexuality Global & Local Global Food and Power Global/local Health Heritage & Memory Identity Intercultural dialogue Intercultural exchange Legacy Migration Migration/refugees Mindfulness Minority language Modernist Architecture Multilingualism New Business Models Open data Open source & Sharing economy Organisational development Organizational Developmen Organizational development Organizatonal Development Participation & Active citizenship Personal leadership Persons with disabilities Policy development Political engagement Public space Residency Rural development Rural identity Social cohesion Sustainability sustainability education Sustainablity Technology The commons Theatre for Young Audiences Tourism Transition New Rurality Urban development Youth Youth & Children Your story*We are flexible with word count, which will depend on the type of story you are submitting. But unless you're writing a long-form essay, we suggest to have a minimum of around 300 and maximum 800 words. Upload an image*Please upload at least one image per story. If you are submitting a photo story you will need at least three images. Clearly mention the title of the image and the copyright owner/photographer in the file name or below. Drop files here or Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png. Photo credits (list)*If you have uploaded more than one image, you can use this field to list the captions (including the photographer's credits) separatelyPhoto filenamePhoto captionPhotographer Online linksIf you want us to add links to your website and social media channels please include them here.Notes for the editors*Please add anything, that you would still like to share with us. Your submitted story will not be uploaded directly, but the Team will place it with an editioral introduction in the Tandem context. So please share all relevant details for this in the box below. Thanks for submitting your story, we are looking forward to read it! EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.