
Your (hi)story? My (hi)story?

The tridem collaboration aims to introduce a personal involvement approach as an alternative to the official historical narrative using the methods of community involvement, archival research, and oral history. We hold the workshop for museum workers and open lab dedicated to the everyday life in Soviet Dnipropetrovsk that was closed for foreigners because of the rocket industry. In Moscow, we reflected on the heritage of “Pravda” newspaper factory that is now under demolition by organizing “The End of Truth” research exhibition to highlight both the local identity of the factory and the concept of truth in Russia today.
  1. Community development
  2. Conflict resolution
  3. Participation & Active citizenship
  4. Dnipropetrovsk
  5. Kyiv
  6. Moscow
  7. Community arts
  8. Education
  9. Public Space
  10. Co-creation
  11. Interview
  12. Knowledge development
  13. Research
  14. Exhibition
  15. Publication
  16. Workshop

Maria Semenenko

House of culture "Delai Sam/a"

Moscow, Russia

Kateryna Semenyuk

Ya Gallery art center

Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

The connection

"Your (hi)story? My (hi)story?": a connection between Moscow (Russia) & Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine) & Kyiv (Ukraine)

The process

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