Short Film Script Contest& Co-production

For this short film co-production - We used Ciné Fac's successful concept of short film production which is already being applied in France. in the beginning a Short Film Script Contest was announced in Ukraine. An international commission chose two final scripts (fiction, documentary or animation), and subsequently both films were shot and created (in case of animation) in Ukraine. French professionals who were involved in­cluded cameramen, picture editor's and costume directors. Ciné Fac and WIZ-ART were in charge of both pro­ motion and distribution for the short films.
  1. Diversity
  2. Identity
  3. Lviv
  4. Paris
  5. Film & Cinema
  6. Filmmaking
  7. Film

Mariia Baraz

Ciné Fac

Paris, France

Valentyna Zalevska

The connection

"Short Film Script Contest& Co-production": a connection between Paris (France) & Berlin-Lviv (Ukraine)