Spaces for ShapingSocial Att itudes «Spaces as a Tool for Shaping Social Attitudes» is an interdisci pli nary exploration of private and pu blic space, exploring the mutual relations of the two. The title refers, on the one hand, to the political and ideological role of architectu re and u rba n planning in monitoring the space to control the commu nity and to ensure power. On the other hand, it also refers to the possi ble ways in which citizens can creatively re-a ppropriate the city, to promote social interrelation and experimentation. Somehow, the ambiguity that lies in the title re veals the conflicting nature of space, which constantly evolves according to the way it is used by a group of people or individuals. The cooperation between four organisations has allowed a broad approach to this sub ject on three levels: artistic (artist in residency program), educational (workshop with a group of pu pils from the A. Scuisev Art School, conducted by teachers from the lnterdisciplinary Actions Studio, Katowice), and edi torial (publication of a special issue of the POSTBOX magazi ne). Tandem Moldova 2011-12 Heritage & Memory Urban development Youth & Children Chisinau Gentilly/ Paris Education Knowledge exchange Exhibition Publication Lore Gablier Le Generateur Gentilly/ Paris, France Vladimir Us Oberliht Young Artists Association Chisinau, Moldova Founded in 2000 and based on rather long working experience as an independent cultural actor, Oberliht aims to interconnect dispersed artistic scenes and build an artistic community making use of public spaces. The connection "Spaces for ShapingSocial Att itudes": a connection between Gentilly/ Paris (France) & Chisinau (Moldova)