The Woman: Inside vs Outside (#manifest_yourself) The purpose of the collaboration is to find common topics of interest for Ukrainian and Armenian women in business and creativity in order to carry out mutual long-term projects in the nearest future: to study the cultural background and context, actualize women issues and organize motivational events aimed at women empowerment. The concept is simple: women become stronger when then unite and collaborate, but not compete. We are confident that Armenian and Ukrainian women have a lot to share and exchange in order to become stronger. The focus of our interest lies in women in arts and business. We wish to motivate these women by empowering them with both Armenian and Ukrainian stories (by bringing together leaders and female culture managers, and artists). Tandem Ukraine 2019-20 Civic rights & Activisim Participation & Active citizenship Social cohesion Kharkiv Kyiv Martuni Education Public Space Story-telling Tetiana Kiforyshyn Womans Space Kyiv, Ukraine Manan Mkhitaryan Martuni Women's Community Council NGO (MWCC) Martuni, Armenia Maryna Konieva Fashin Initiative Kharkiv, Ukraine The connection "The Woman: Inside vs Outside (#manifest_yourself)": a connection between Kyiv (Ukraine) & Martuni (Armenia) & Kharkiv (Ukraine) Shared stories