Urban Space for Arts and Culture Culture has to be integrated into all levels and sectors of political decision-making and civil society. Creative forces of culture are increasingly included in the political and scientific search for answers to global challenges and «cultural visions» are integrated into new forms and ideas for political, economical and social action. The core aims of the project are even more u rgent today tha n in the past. This project is an experimental i investigation to whether we are able to develop a bottom-up strategy to develop a cultu ral space that can also be usef ul for other NGOs i n the region. This is a pilot project from the perspective of multilevel co-operation among diverse actors (artists, architects, u rban pla nners, historians, cultural anthropologists, curators, cultu ral operators, students, theoretical researchers, etc.) which generates a productive exchange of responsibilities and expertise as well as a crucial transmission of knowledge and experience. We aim to strengthen the nongovernmental art scenes as part of this process, along with capacity building for local artists, cultural workers, and their institutions to strengthen and expand local artistic communities. Tandem Ukraine 2011-12 Policy development The commons Budapest Kherson Public Space Knowledge exchange Sándor Finta KÉK - Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre Budapest, Hungary Serhiy Dyachenko Totem Center of Youth Initiatives Kherson, Ukraine The connection "Urban Space for Arts and Culture": a connection between Budapest (Hungary) & Kherson (Ukraine)