Map Me Happy MAP ME HAPPY is all about happy urbanism and improving our public space We all have different spatial routines, backgrounds and moods and we all see and experience our public places differently. And once every while, while we are out in the city, we come across something so joyful, comfortable or simply fun, that it gives the whole place a better experience. So why not share these moments? Mapping our positive experiences can change the way we collectively see and appreciate our city! It is very contagious to know what makes you and others happy in places. You’ll soon start seeing places through new eyes and start seeing positive features in other places. A more positive imagination of space can have very real effects! Only if we know what makes one place better than others, do we know what to keep, what we need more of and where. project website Tandem Ukraine 2014-15 The commons Urban development Kyiv Utrecht Architecture Public Space Mapping Public intervention Film Niels Grootjans European Geography Association Utrecht, Netherlands Anastasiya Ponomaryova Urban curators Kиев, Ukraine Urban curators is an independent agency of interdisciplinary team that works in the field of architecture, urbanism and cultural management. Mission: We create and revitalize urban space for public benefit, with involvement of all stakeholders participation; we balance their interests and create a common vision for the project. The connection "Map Me Happy": a connection between Utrecht (Netherlands) & Kиев (Ukraine) The process The first phase of the project is successfully completed! Around 850 citizens took part in the community mapping. Without doubts, at the moment, the most popular place among Kyivans is Podil district. This district alongside with Botanical garden and Dnipro slopes are particularly liked by Kyiv citizens.