T_Chatting_WEB_SCALED A Brand New Tandem Website Building a website is like giving birth: after 9 months of hard work, our newest Tandem tool is seeing the light! Main goal: be a platform for Tandem by Tandem. This means lots of stories, reflections, updates, video and photo blogs, collaboration pages and info about new Tandem calls. From us to you – but mainly also from you to the world! We invite you to use it and make it your own: update your page, share your stories, and send in your announcements; in your own language! At this moment we are very proud, but like with any new-born baby, developing all the planned features takes some time. So we ask you for your patience and your feedback about what could work better. – Tandem collaboration pages: add your own media (video, photos, etc) – Filter for Stories and Collaborations by Tandem round, topics, art form, location etc. – A map visualising all Tandem collaboration We wish you lots of inspiration…and try sharing your own story: simply by clicking the button below! In case you come across some bugs or problems, please just inform Willem via willem@somtijds.nl