Birgit Mandel (photo via Arts/Cultural Management in International Contexts – a study by Birgit Mandel Birgit Mandel is professor for cultural management and head of the MA programme Arts Mediation and Cultural Management at the Department for Cultural Policy, University of Hildesheim. During the Tandem Network meeting in September 2016, she presented a study on cultural management in international contexts. We are now very happy to share her newly published work which we believe will be of great value for the Tandem family and anyone working internationally in the arts and culture. Mandel_Arts_Cultural-Management-in-International-Contexts Cultural managers are increasingly engaged in international projects; they work in international art festivals, global companies of the creative industries, or international tourism. They are involved in cultural diplomacy and cultural development cooperation; and moreover, in times of an increasing worldwide migration, cultural managers are engaged in moderating “intercultural” change management processes in their own countries. How is internationalisation influencing cultural management? Is there a tendency towards harmonisation of management practices due to cultural globalisation? How do cultural managers from different world regions describe their working conditions also in terms of cultural policy, and which differences can be observed? What are the main challenges of international cultural cooperation, which competencies are needed for working in international and intercultural contexts, and which training concepts in international cultural management proved to be successful? These questions are investigated on the basis of a worldwide survey of cultural managers, expert interviews and analyses of international training programmes based on theoretical reflections. The study is available in print and online (open access, link below). Open Access Download of the publication. Birgit Mandel Arts/Cultural Management in International Contexts Results of a Research on the views of arts/cultural managers around the world regarding their profession, working conditions, current challenges, required competencies, and training opportunities. Hildesheim 2017 Print Version Olms Verlag Hildesheim: €29.80 ISBN 978-3-487-15578-4