Tandem Shaml 2014-15, Partner Forum in Tunis. Tandem Shaml 2014-15 For the secound time the Tandem team asked cultural managers from Europe and the Arab-mediterranean region: Are you ready for a creative adventure? Do you want to work with cultural activists from Arab and European countries? So in spring 2014 the secound round of Tandem Shaml started. Jalla jalla! Partner Forum in Tunis Do you want to experiment with your ideas? Make new friends in other countries? Learn new methods and perspectives? Tandem Shaml Partner Forum 2014 Selected organisations met in Tunis to identify a new partner organisation they would like to collaborate with during the one-year long Tandem Shaml process. Kick-off Meeting in Berlin Planning and reflecting at the Kick-off Meeting in the MitOst office in Berlin. Photos by Constanze Flamme. Interim Meeting in Beirut In the beginning of November the participants met in Beirut for the Interim Meeting. A series of workshops on appreciative inquiry and organisational development was paired with evaluating the programme so far as well as planning the next steps. Furthermore discussions on the political situation in the region and exchanging experiences of each Tandem’s development were part of the meeting. The group planned their final meeting in Bologna, Italy where participants will present their projects and look back on their Tandem experience. The group had an intense and fruitful time in Lebanon. Between serious business, discussions, workshops and sharing experiences of their placements they also had the chance to visit Jbeil/Byblos at the seaside. Tandem Shaml 2014-15 Beirut. Final Meeting in Bologna - Art without Borders The Final Meeting brought the group to Bologna. Everybody was excited to discover the city and especially San Lazaro di Savena. And of course the venues of the Italian host Micaela Casalboni. One was the ITC Studio/ Itc Teatro, “It is a space for everyone: for beginners as well as for long-time professionals. Seven rooms fully equipped and dedicated to workshop activities; a break-area where you can relax. A place for study and research, preparation of shows and workshops; a place for culture, interculture, social purposes and socializing. A space and a time to be filled and reinvented.” During the event “Art without Borders” all Tandems participants from Egypt, Greece, Georgia, Turkey, France, Germany, Italy, Tunisia and Syria showcased their joint projects. The collaborations confronted global challenges like migration and support community development by linking local people, places, art forms and ideas. The final event started with Sophias “Market Point”. All of the Tandems brought different sweets from their region. All guests were invited to try the different flavours. It’s was pleasure and a good start into the evening. Tandem Shaml Final Meeting in Bologna 2015. Photo by Laura Werling. Tandem Shaml Final Meeting in Bologna 2015. Photo by Laura Werling. The University of Bologna is considered to be one of the oldest in Europe. Next to the final event Astrid Thews and Gwendolenn Sharp brought new ideas to this old building: In a workshop they shared their artistic-mapping technique developed within their project “CulturePuncture” with students of this famous university. Tandem Shaml Final Meeting in Bologna 2015. Photo by Laura Werling. Tandem Shaml Final Meeting in Bologna 2015. Photo by Laura Werling. Tandem Shaml Final Meeting in Bologna 2015. Photo by Laura Werling. Tandem Shaml Final Meeting in Bologna 2015. Photo by Laura Werling. Reflections on Tandem Hamdy Reda, artwella in Cairo, reflects on experiences and learnings. Micaela Casalboni, Teatro dell’Argine in Bologna, reflects on experiences and learnings.