At the heart of community At the heart of community” is a project initiated by the Open Place (Kyiv) and the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (Warsaw) and Melitopol Municipal Museum of Local History. The project is aimed at the formulation of a proposal on an effective model of a socially minded institution, which could form basis for the revitalisation and transformation of the cultural sector in Ukraine. The project addresses the following issues: How is the public memory shaped? What is the role of a small museum in the life of society? How is the development of cultural institutions linked to the development of society? Tandem Ukraine 2014-15 Community development Heritage & Memory Organisational development Kyiv Warsaw Heritage Research Exhibition Publication Leila Ibrahimova Melitopol Museum of Local History Melitopol, Ukraine Jekatierina Szczeka Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, Poland Iuliia Kosterieva Open Place Kyiv, Ukraine The connection "At the heart of community": a connection between Melitopol (Ukraine) & Warsaw (Poland) & Kyiv (Ukraine)