
Creative Mapping

We want to investigate the wider European context of Theatre57 and Mooiedingenmakers. In our experience, cultural and creative scenes in rural and regional areas are not well represented which leads to a creative braindrain. We see this in Friesland as opposed to Amsterdam and in Galway as opposed to Dublin. This similarity makes us believe that this is a wider issue and we want to find out a) whether it is, b) what initiatives exist in similar regions to combat this phenomenon and c) what are the collective best practices. We're proud Europeans but we also want to preserve our local identity as cultural creatives and artists.
  1. Creative economy
  2. cultural exchange
  3. European Capital of Culture
  4. Rural development
  5. Rural identity

Henk Rigter


Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Róisín Stack


Galway, Ireland

The connection

"Creative Mapping": a connection between Leeuwarden (The Netherlands) & Galway (Ireland)

Shared stories