Moving Bars The project “Moving Bars” will realise a dance project in a Berlin prison in which we will combine the skills and knowledge of both partners. The specific expertise of C&C - implementing arts in society especially for those people at the egde of society - will add an extra layer to the work of TanzTangente. The new expertice on dance will give C&C more tools and another discipline to involve in their work with underprivileged people. We see the project “Moving Bars” as a great opportunity to set up a prison-art-network in Germany. Tandem C&P 2014-15 Community development Discrimination Social cohesion Berlin Den Bosch Dance Education Talent development Workshop Film Manifesto Daniela Grosset TanzTangente Berlin, Germany Ed Santman Changes & Chances Den Bosch, The Netherlands The connection "Moving Bars": a connection between Berlin (Germany) & Den Bosch (The Netherlands) The process Tanztangente Shared stories