Moving Bars rehearsal Tandem Moves Bars What is Tandem all about? How does Tandem work? These questions have been answered in this video by Daniela Grosset, Tandem participant C&P 2015-16, and the team of Tanztangente. Watch and learn more about their Tandem journey: A co-project of Tanztangente, Tangente Company and SuB Kultur e.V. on their Tandem experience. Moving bars stands not only for the dance project we realised with Tandem C&P in the Berlin youth prison. It also describes the process of mind opening and mind shifting initiated by Tandem. Tandem revealed a world of possibilities how to focus our ressources, appreciate what we have and envision what might be. We got tools to realise these visions. We got mountains of inspiration from partners within the Tandem network. As dancers we are used to move and be moved. Through Tandem we reached another layer of moving together.