Milda and Stanislav

Reciprocal Residency Program

The goal of the project is to create an international exchange network of residency organisers and a residency exchange ecosystem focusing on modernist architecture. Today, cities and their cultural organizations (independent and budgetary) are discovering new values of cultural and architectural heritage through contemporary expression, experiment, action and mobility thus seeking to develop a dialogue between the modernist and the other in the field of architectural heritage, lifestyle and their interpretation as well as actualization. Contributing to Novi Sad 2021 and Kaunas 2022 programs the residency activities in the modernist architecture buildings will be held using an accumulated digital database of modernist architecture. In order to enable programs in interdisciplinary directions, exchange residences artists, curators, researchers, critics, anthropologists will be invited to attend.
  1. Architectural Heritage
  2. European Capital of Culture
  3. Modernist Architecture
  4. Residency
  5. Contemporary arts
  6. Multidisciplinarity

Milda Šarpnickytė

Kauno menininkų namai

Kaunas, Lithuania

Stanislav Drča

Cultural Center LAB

Novi Sad, Serbia

The connection

"Reciprocal Residency Program": a connection between Kaunas (Lithuania) & Novi Sad (Serbia)

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