Temporary Status

The project «Temporary Status» researched the artistic practice of contributing to history, memory re-collection and building archives in Moldova. I n what innovative ways is contemporary art addressing history, documents and archives in relation to contemporary forms of national and trans-national formations? Contemporary art is brought into «active dialogue» with research and documentation, focusing on artists' approaches to a continually changing distinction between state and cultural identity. A contemporary documentary video by Pavel Braila displays how the city Chisinau, relates to both social and political representation.
  1. Heritage & Memory
  2. Identity
  3. Migration
  4. Chisinau
  5. Göteborg
  6. Audiovisual documentation
  7. Exhibition
  8. Publication

Corina Oprea

Röda Sten

Göteborg, Sweden

Nora Dorogan

German Cultural Centre ACCENTE

Chisinau, Moldova

The connection

"Temporary Status": a connection between Göteborg (Sweden) & Chisinau (Moldova)