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Academic segregation Active Citizenship Architectural Heritage Built Heritage Civic rights Civic rights & Activisim Civic rights & Activism Community development Conflict resolution Creative economy Cross-Sector Cross-sector collaboration Cultural Artistic development cultural exchange Democracy Democracy & Open society Discrimination Diversity Education Education (formal & non-formal) Education (fromal & non-formal) Elderly cititzens Employability Empowerment Environment European Capital of Culture Feminism Freedom of expression Gender & Sexuality Global & Local Global Food and Power Global/local Health Heritage & Memory Identity Intercultural dialogue Intercultural exchange Legacy Migration Migration/refugees Mindfulness Minority language Modernist Architecture Multilingualism New Business Models Open data Open source & Sharing economy Organisational development Organizational Developmen Organizational development Organizatonal Development Participation & Active citizenship Personal leadership Persons with disabilities Policy development Political engagement Public space Residency Rural development Rural identity Social cohesion Sustainability sustainability education Sustainablity Technology The commons Theatre for Young Audiences Tourism Transition New Rurality Urban development Youth Youth & Children Art formsCan you select one or more (max. 5) disciplines that play a role in the collaboration process or outcome? Archaeology Architecture Circus Comics Community arts Contemporary arts Crafts Culture Dance Design Digital Digital Media Education Fashion Festival film Film & Cinema Film and Cinema Gaming Heritage Interactive communication IoT Technology Land art Literature Media Multidisciplinarity Music Online Origami Performance Photography Physical Theatre Politics Public Space Story-telling Street art Talent development theater Theatre Tourism video media Video Videos and Photographs Visual art Visual arts Youth MethodsIf applicable, select one or more methodologies used within the context of this collaboration. Artist in Residence Audiovisual documentation Co-creation Competition Discussion platform Education Festival co-programming Filmmaking Gaming Interview Knowledge development Knowledge exchange Mapping Performance Playwriting Public intervention Research Story-telling Strategic planning Talent development Workshop Type of project output (product)What kind of outputs will there be when your collaboration project is complete? Concert Exhibition Film Interview Manifesto New business & management models Online (platform) Performance Publication Toolkit Video (process documentary) Workshop Project OutputsPlease upload the files of your collaboration project outputs (publication/toolkit/report) Drop files here or Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg. Output descriptionsIf you have uploaded more than one document, please use this field to provide each file with a title and (if applicable) copyright information.FilenameDocument titleCopyright information Project ImageIf you have an image available, you can upload it to the website. In the title of the image, make sure to also mention the photographer.FileTitleProject VideoIf you have made a video documenting your process, or the project's outcome, you can share a Youtube or Vimeo link below Project Video descriptionAdd a description of the video below.Project Gallery Drop files here or Accepted file types: gif, jpg, png, . Photo credits (list)If you have uploaded more than one image, please use this field to list the captions and photographer's credits separately.FilenamePhoto caption (description)Photographer / Credits Media appearancesPlease upload the files of your Tandem media appearances (e.g. newspaper article) Drop files here or Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg. Media appearancesIf you have uploaded more than one document, please use this field to provide each file with a title and (if applicable) copyright information.FilenameDocument titleCopyright information Any questions or comments?If you have any questions or comments concerning the information you have been asked to give, feel free to let us know!NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.