Photo by Constanze Flamme
Photo by Constanze Flamme

Anton Sienknecht

Meet Anton, programme officer at MitOst in Berlin

I started working for Tandem in late summer 2017. Back then I was a student assistent, not yet very familiar with the concept of Tandem, “just” checking travel reimbursements and financial reports.

Slowly over the months I started grasping more and more concepts. Until one day Tandem – Culture without borders was not only the slogan of the team –  but my slogan as well.

For me growing up after the German wall came down, almost not remembering a time when you needed to show your passport when travelling through Europe, borders and visas were always a weird concept. Now, helping people from different places and different backgrounds getting closer together and decreasing the felt borders is such a great working field. I feel very grateful for getting this opportunity.
