“Elementary Education: An intro to Creative Active Citizenship” prototype “Elementary Education: An intro to Creative Active Citizenship” prototype is designed and implemented by COMM’ON (Greece), partner of Tandem Regions. This field research explores the role and potential of elementary education especially in empowering students and future adult citizens in participating more creatively in Commons. How can students become aware of their social dimension as members of (a) community(ies)? What kind of participatory methodologies would be useful for them in recognizing local needs and assets and co-developing collective, positive, creative proposals? And how can they achieve a good understanding of how local administration functions in order to efficiently address those proposals? We want to facilitate a pilot process of developing a tangible and transferable training method offered to teachers and in time by teachers to each other, on how to develop teaching skills towards critical thinking, social responsibility and empathy and creative advocacy for students. This field research will attempt: To map the difficulties teachers are facing in their role as “mediators” between students and their local administration 2. To support teachers in this role by co-developing educational material and courses through which they will have the capacity to fulfill those educational goals.