Tandem Shaml alumni Mudar Elhaggi in Brussels Tandem Alumni Mohab Saber on Expanding Collaborations Tandem Shaml alumni Mohab Saber recently went to Brussels with the support of a Tandem Mobility Grant. He shares insights and images from his trip. After two years collaborating on SAWP Culture Walks project with my Tandem partner Urbego, I found a chance to expand this collaboration besides creating new partnerships with other Tandem partners and consolidation my previous partnerships. With the support of Tandem mobility grant I was able to travel to Belgium to attend Kunstenfestivaldesarts visitors programme organized by the Flanders Arts Institute & Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre/Danse. I got the chance to meet my Tandem Shaml partner Urbego organization’s Co founder, as well as other Tandem alumni, in addition to many mutual partners from Brussels as the Moussem Nomadic Arts center and BOZAR. Through this opportunity I came back with a lot of inspiring ideas, contacts and mutual collaborations in the horizon.