Claiming the public space

The project includes several phases: first a laboratory on street theatre in Eskiehir (February 2012) will take place with young performing artists exchanging experiences, ideas and knowledge and produce together a work which can be presented before a real audience in the live street on Ana Desetnica Festival in Slovenia (July 2012). Also, a guide («Claiming the Public Space») on teaching and the ma king of street theatre, participatory actions and intervention festivals, with local specifics shall be developed.
  1. Eskisehir
  2. Ljubljana
  3. Public Space
  4. Theatre
  5. Knowledge exchange
  6. Public intervention
  7. Performance


Ana Monro Theatre

Ljubljana, Slovenia


Anadolu Üniversitesi Konservatuarı

Eskisehir, Turkey

The connection

"Claiming the public space": a connection between Ljubljana (Slovenia) & Eskisehir (Turkey)