

TRANSMISSION a Fryslân - Ukraine traveling residence August 30th – September 9th 2018 A cooperative pilot project between the Popfabryk in Leeuwarden the Netherlands and NGO Territory in the Ukraine as part of the Tandem Fryslân program. It involves an eight days colleague placement in Leeuwarden and Kiev followed by a traveling residence by talents, in the area of popular culture, from Fryslân and the Ukraine. Traveling from the Ukraine to Leeuwarden by minivan they will connect with the local music community. The collaborative work will be recorded in Leeuwarden and performed. The documentary will be screened at Noordelijk Filmfestival. A journey into unknown territories, tackling prejudice, connecting community’s and supporting talent development. Sharing know-how, working methods and experiences through a learning by doing approach. Go with us on this journey.
project website
  1. Community development
  2. Conflict resolution
  3. Creative economy
  4. Khmelnytsky
  5. Leeuwarden
  6. Film & Cinema
  7. Music
  8. Photography
  9. Artist in Residence
  10. Co-creation
  11. Talent development
  12. Concert
  13. Video (process documentary)

Paul Giesen

Popfabryk - Fries Productiehuis Popcultuur

Leeuwarden, the Netherlands

Alona Dmukhovska

NGO "Territory"

Khmelnytsky, Ukraine

The connection

"TRANSMISSION": a connection between Leeuwarden (the Netherlands) & Khmelnytsky (Ukraine)