Laboratory of Social Change Through Art (Art4SocialChange) Art4SocialChange connects German and Turkish experiences of social-art-work developping concepts to foster social change through art. What is SocialArt? What is important to take care of while giving SocialArt workshops? What are different approaches of different artists? To clarify this topic and find at least some answers, we met for one week with ten artists from Turkey, Germany, Croatia, the US and Great Britain who are engaged in SocialArt, gave workshops to each other and discussed what SocialArt means to us. The thoughts, discussions, findings and some methods are gathered in the 'Guide of Social Change through Art'. In 2018 we will develop together multidisciplinary art workshops realised in refugee camps in Halle/Germany. Tandem Turkey 2016-17 Community development Conflict resolution Education (formal & non-formal) Migration/refugees Social cohesion Berlin Mugla Circus Community arts Crafts Dance Education Music Discussion platform Education Knowledge exchange Toolkit Video (process documentary) Workshop Dorothea Flämig Jonglirium e.V. (2wheels4change) Berlin, Germany Safak Velioglu ArtCircleSociety ( Art CirCle) Mugla, Turkey The connection "Laboratory of Social Change Through Art (Art4SocialChange)": a connection between Berlin (Germany) & Mugla (Turkey) The process Available downloads Guide-of-Social-Change-through-Art1.pdf