VÄRLDENS I/II1/2 الدنيا HALF THE WORLD is an interdisciplinary project including exhibitions, workshops, seminars, and short films focusing on raising awareness and positive attitudes about gender issues in different social contexts at a global level. This is through collecting different perspectives from different societies about gender equality and / or discrimination in a creative way, involving civil society organizations and cultural actors, and using artistic thinking to inspire means of artistic expression and social behavior. The project tests a model that can be adapted in various settings / countries / societies. وصف المشروع – نص الدنيا نص الدنيا هو مشروع متعدد الأنشطة، يتضمن معارض، وورش عمل، وندوات، وأفلام قصيرة، يركز على رفع مستوى الوعي و المبادرة الإيجابية حول قضايا المساواة بين الجنسين في الأماكن العامة أو سياقات اجتماعية أخرى في جميع أنحاء العالم. وذلك من خلال جمع وجهات نظر مختلفة من المجتمعات الغربية والعربية حول المساواة بين الجنسين و / أو التمييز بشكل إبداعي، بالإشتراك مع منظمات المجتمع المدني، ومؤسسات ثقافية، وفنانين. منهجية المشروع تركز على استخدام التفكير الفني والإبداعي لإلهام وسائل للتعبير الفني والسلوك الاجتماعي. هذا المشروع يختبر نموذج يمكن تطبيقه في مختلف البيئات / الدول / المجتمعات. Available translations Available translationsEnglishArabic project website Tandem Shaml 2015-16 Cross-Sector Gender & Sexuality Alexandria Gothenburg Community arts Education film Performance Photography Visual art Visual arts Youth Audiovisual documentation Discussion platform Education Workshop Exhibition Film Interview Tiago Prata TILLT AB Gothenburg, Sweden TILLT develops projects in which art contributes to human growth - by bringing the competences and methods of artists outside the art/cultural world, to guide participatory processes about societal challenges such as diversity and integration, wellbeing and healthcare, environmental issues, equality and human rights, and new ones to come. tiago@tillt.se Reem Kassem AGORA for Arts and Culture Alexandria, Egypt A cultural institution based in Alexandria, but working internationally. AGORA was established in 2011. It's mission is "to provide an outlet for creative community involvement through education, dissemination and production of Arts and Culture. rekassem@agoraorganization.org The connection "VÄRLDENS I/II1/2 الدنيا": a connection between Gothenburg (Sweden) & Alexandria (Egypt) The process Half the World Project, A TANDEM SHAML Project by AGORA for Arts and Culture (Egypt) TILLT AB (Sweden) Managed by Reem Kassem (Egypt) Tiago Prata (Sweden) Special thanks to #womidan project Photos and Video by Kariem Saleh AGORA Team Ali Tarek Abou Bakr Emara Karim Kassem Mohamed Alaa Kafaa Bassam Reem Ahmed Mariem Ahmed Nourtine Galal Nur Alaa Mohamed Elnahhas Shared stories