tandem-europe-iii-partnerforum-sofia_33575563198_o Tandem Europe starts into third round In March of 2019, 32 cultural managers met in Sofia, Bulgaria for the Partner Forum of Tandem Europe III. In the course of the meeting, 14 Tandems and one Tridem were formed, which all handed in collaborations proposals. The Jury who consisted of Christina Nuhr (Advocate Europe), Elisa Pifferi (Associazione Artemista), Jenneken Aarssen (ECF) , Séverine Lenglet and her colleague Sophie Ali Bakhsh Naini from Citizens for Europe had the difficult task of selecting 12 Tandems for this round. Check out the newly selected Tandem collaborations of Tandem Europe III: In the end of June, the selected participants will meet for the Kick-Off Meeting in Portugal.