Tandem Shaml Tandem Shaml supports experimental and lasting collaborations between change makers from the Arab region and Europe. For one year cultural actors work in tandems and as a group: being part of a larger network and sharing good practice. Joint projects confront global challenges like migration and support local community development by linking local people, places, art forms and ideas. يدعم تاندم شمل شراكات تجريبية وطويلة الأمد بين صانعي التغيير من المنطقة العربية وأوروبا. لمدّة سنة واحدة، يعمل الفاعلون في ثنائيات وضمن مجموعة. أن تكون جزءاً من شبكةٍ أوسع وتتشارك معها ممارسات مهنية جيّدة. المشاريع المشتركة تضع المشاركين في مواجهة تحديات عالمية كالهجرة ودعم المجتمعات المحلية بالتشبيك بين الناس والأماكن وأشكال الفنون والأفكار على مستوى محلّي ودولي. Tandem Shaml Soutient des collaborations expérimentales et de longue durée entre les acteurs du changement provenant du Monde Arabe et d’Europe. Pendant une année, des acteurs culturels travaillent en tandems et en tant qu’un seul groupe: faire partie d’un large réseau et partager les bonnes pratiques. Les projets joints font face à des défis mondiaux tels que la migration, le soutien du development des communautés locales et celà en créant des liens au niveau local entre les gens, les espaces, les formes d’art et les idées. Available translations Available translationsEnglishArabicFrench Tandem Shaml 2016-17 Community development El Akl Theatre Festival Beshoy Helmi Dawar El Fnoon Tom Finlay Terra Nova Productions READ MORE Tandem Shaml 2015-16 Gender & Sexuality VÄRLDENS I/II1/2 الدنيا Tiago Prata TILLT AB Reem Kassem AGORA for Arts and Culture READ MORE Tandem Shaml 2014-15 Beirut A day at the beach After the Partner Forum of Tandem Shaml in mid-September the two Project Managers Hatem and Reem sat on the beach... READ THE FULL CONVERSATION Tandem Shaml 2012-13 Berlin Tandem Shaml 2012-13 In the summer of 2012, the Tandem Shaml pilot programme for cultural exchange between Europe and the Arab-Mediterranean region was... READ THE FULL PROGRAMME-REVIEW Tandem Shaml 2014-15 Tunis Tandem Shaml 2014-15 For the secound time the Tandem team asked cultural managers from Europe and the Arab-mediterranean region: Are you ready for... READ THE FULL PROGRAMME-REVIEW Tandem Shaml 2016-17 Identity Can we afford a vision? Sharing practices of empowerment through cultural work. Mohamed Idoumou Maison des Cinéastes Valentin Schmehl Other Music Academy READ MORE Beirut Culture Resource Cultural Ressource is Tandem Shaml's implementing Partner in the Arab region. READ THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT Tandem Shaml 2014-15 Migration/refugees Lampedusa Mirrors: Documentary Lampedusa Mirrors is a theatre coproduction between Eclosion d’artistes (Tunis) and Teatro dell’Argine (Bologna) that was conceived in the framework... WATCH THE VIDEO Tandem Shaml – Cultural Managers Exchange Europe – Arab Region is an initiative which was developed by the European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam) and MitOst (Berlin) in collaboration with Culture Resource (Arab Region). The programme is supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung (Stuttgart), the Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation (ADMADF) (Abu Dhabi), Stichting DOEN (Amsterdam) and Mimeta (Norway). This is a map of all Tandem Shaml collaborations. Contact Sophia Project Manager Tandem at MitOst Sophia's story +49 30 315174 88 Sophia.Meyer-Landrut@mitost.org Reem Khattab Project Manager Tandem Shaml at Culture Resource Reem's story r.khattab@mawred.org