Tandem Regions Tandem Regions is an ongoing network that builds on the experience, network and philosophy of Tandem programs. Tandem alumni and partners come together to untappe the potential of areas that are alive and kicking with ideas, energy and ripe for change. Places where people understand the value of their locality and have a vision for how it could progress. Tandem Regions develops as a prototype initiative, a cross-border exchange and responsive, policy influencing program that does not presuppose any one way of doing things. Stories & Partners Tandem Regions Tandem Regions: Manifesto Read the Manifesto of Tandem Regions and learn more about the new Tandem programme, inspired and developed by Tandem alumni. READ THE FULL PROGRAMME-REVIEW Tandem Regions Sustainability “The Villette Job” prototype “The Villette Job” prototype is designed and implemented by R84 Multifactory (Italy), partner of Tandem Regions. READ THE FULL PROJECT-UPDATE Tandem Regions Community development “Mapping communities with cultural practices off the radar” prototype “Mapping communities with cultural practices off the radar” prototype is designed and implemented by 4iS (Portugal), partner of Tandem Regions. READ THE FULL PROJECT-UPDATE Tandem Regions Rural development “Baba Residence (Climartistic edition)” prototype “Baba Residence (Climartistic edition)” prototype is designed and implemented by Ideas Factory (Bulgaria), partner of Tandem Regions. READ THE FULL PROJECT-UPDATE Tandem Regions Education “Elementary Education: An intro to Creative Active Citizenship” prototype “Elementary Education: An intro to Creative Active Citizenship” prototype is designed and implemented by COMM’ON (Greece), partner of Tandem Regions. READ THE FULL PROJECT-UPDATE Tandem Regions Mantova R84 Assiociation R84 Assiociation Mantua, Italy READ MORE Tandem Regions Partners: MitOst e.V. (Germany), COMM’ON (Greece), Creative Scene (UK), Ideas Factory (Bulgaria), Insha Osvita (Ukraine), Arcadia Leeuwarden Fryslan 2028 (the Netherlands), the Transitory Museum Pfyn (Switzerland), Associazione R84 (Italy), 4is (Portugal). The programme is funded by European Cultural Foundation (the Netherlands), Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo (Italy). Contact the Team Jotham Sietsma CEO & Programme Manager Tandem at zusa Jotham's story +49 30 315174 88 sietsma@mitost.org