The public of Djerba moves watching the show in the galleries of a traditional house in Djerba. Tandem Amwaj Concert Tandem Amwaj: a wrap-up from Al-Badil Our Tandem Amwaj partner organisation Al-Badil shares an article about the final outcomes of the programme in Tunisia. READ THE FULL PROJECT-UPDATE Tandem Amwaj Community development Harmonizing Heritage: The TREKEN Project's Musical Journey Through Southern Tunisia Our Tandem Amwaj partner organisation Al-Badil shares an article about the recent developments of the programme in Tunisia. READ THE FULL PROJECT-UPDATE Tandem 360° 2021-22 Urban development Two Years Later: The Enduring Legacy of Al-Khalifa Wings Hadeer S. Dahab from Athar Lina was a Tandem 360° participant. Today she shares the update about the Makanuna Al-Khalifa... READ THE FULL CALL-FROM-THE-TANDEM-WORLD Tandem Amwaj Organisational development Impact Experiment of Collective Routes: A Deep Dive into Arts and Culture MennaTullah Reda, a project manager at Collective Routes, tells about the Impact Experiment they are implementing in Cairo, Egypt, as... READ THE FULL PROJECT-UPDATE < ... is a cultural collaboration program that strengthens civil society in Europe and neighbouring regions. There is currently one active Tandem programme: Tandem Amwaj Past Tandem programmes: - Tandem Regions - Tandem 360 - Tandem Cultural Capitals - Tandem Ukraine - Tandem Western Balkans Tandem Al-Emarat - Tandem C&P - Tandem Europe - Tandem Fryslân - Tandem Turkey - Tandem Shaml Tandem Amwaj Community development Impact Experiment of Think Tanger in Morocco: StudioCity Houda Bouassab, a project coordinator at Think Tanger, tells about the Impact Experiment they are implementing in Tangier, Morocco, as... READ THE FULL CALL-FROM-THE-TANDEM-WORLD Subscribe to the zusa postcard Join the readers list of the new zusa newsletter. Subscribe! By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Got it!